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Show Notes

Ever wondered why the Gospel emphasizes salvation as a gift? Why is it unearned and freely bestowed? As we explore the truths of God's grace, anchored in Ephesians 2:8-9, we discover a profound answer. A gift, in its purest form, is not a trade, but an act of love. As we unravel the implications of this, we shatter the shackles of perfectionism and understand how to pursue holiness through a deep bond of love and commitment.

Grace - a simple word, yet it has the power to transform. Drawing from the parable of the prodigal son and the story of the thief on the cross, we journey deeper to understand the enormous power of grace that transcends our own merits. Grace invites us to surrender, to humbly accept the generous gift laid before us. In doing so, we become vessels of this transformative force, sharing the Good News of love. So, let's embrace the sanctified existence that aligns with our true self, and express our gratitude for the gift of salvation.

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